If you go to most gyms today you will find all sorts of exercise machines. Some of these machines have not changed in over 30 years, which must mean they are time tested right? Wrong. Here are two of the worst exercises you can do, and also what to do instead.
Exercise 1: Let Extensions
This is a very popular exercise for targeting the muscles on the front of your legs, the quads. It isolates those muschles very well. People with knee problems usually think this will help them.
The Problem? This exercise poses major risks to the knees. Lifting heavy weights in this position is not what the knee was designed to do. If you have any kind of knee problems, or go too heavy, you can easily run into big trouble.
The alternative: Squats or lunges. Start with just your bodyweight and work your way up. Both of these are a safer, more functional exercise.
Exercise 2: Behind The Head Pulldown
I cringe when I see this. I also used to do this, because that’s how they showed it in the fitness magazines. The issue with doing the exercise behind the head is that it puts you at risk for shoulder injury. You can also hit your neck or head with the bar!
The Alternative : Pull the bar down to your chest (pull it down in front of you)! Yep, that’s all you have to do. You work the same muscles, you just do it safer and smarter. There is really no reason to do pull downs behind the head.
There are a few more exercise you should never do, but those are two of the most common ones I see people still doing on a daily basis. If you have any questions. leave a comment or visit us on the web. Share this post if you someone who needs some help.
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